Without implementation, no difference

Activating and implementing a new Brand Promise branding konsulent. bedste til strategi i København. brandstrategi.


In June 2021 we were contacted by Akademikerne A-kasse as they were in the final stage of having just developed their new brand platform, including a Brand Promise and CVI.

Now they were ready to enter the next phase, which included implementing the new Brand Promise within the whole organization as well as activating the Brand Promise through several relevant member services.

Furthermore, they needed help to develop their annual Marcom Plan.

To structure the different tasks and to involve all key employees and stakeholders of the organization, we facilitated several workshops where we identified which Brand Pillars the Brand Promise should be built upon.

For each Brand Pillar, we identified the existing and new member services that would create the most impact in building a strong brand for AKA. From there we developed a complete marketing and communication plan for 2022.


As a result Akademikernes A-kasse has managed to implement the organization’s Brand Promise within the whole organization as well as activate the Promise through several relevant member services to grow a strong and consistent brand:

“I forbindelse med, at Akademikernes A-Kasse har fået en ny strategi, har vi udarbejdet en ny vækststrategi og brandplatform. CPH Strategy har hjulpet os med at få disse nye strategier implementeret i en konkret go-to-market plan for 2022. Med en utrolig stor faglig indsigt og professionel procesledelse har Susanne og Mette afholdt forskellige workshops med medarbejdere med forskellige fagligheder, hvor de sammen har identificeret relevante kunde pains og formuleret attraktive value propositions som alt sammen er blevet struktureret i en konkret plan, som medarbejderne forstår og tager ejerskab af”.

Carina Balling, Chef for Relationer og Markedsføring, Akademikernes A-kasse

branding konsulent. bedste til strategi i København. brandstrategi. branding konsulent. bedste til strategi i København. brandstrategi.


Optimizing Brand Architecture


Änglamark making a difference