A Strategic Direction for Risma
With the new Brand DNA and core story, Risma has been given a strategic direction that goes far beyond the functional benefits of Governance, Risk & Compliance.
In the Autumn of 2021, Risma contacted CPH Strategy as they needed help to develop a Brand DNA and a core narrative for the company.
Risma already had a lot of ideas and thoughts for the core story, but they needed help getting to the core of the brand and avoiding a narrative that became too internal and too "inside out".
Through market research and internal interviews in Risma, we gained an in-depth knowledge of the company, and the complex world of Governance, Risk & Compliance. Based on our findings we developed a new, relevant and ambitious Brand DNA in close collaboration with Risma. Subsequently, we identified the strategic Brand Pillars to support and build Risma's new Brand DNA in the coming years.
Finally, based on the Brand DNA and the supporting Brand Pillars, we developed a strong and engaging core story and mood film for Risma. The film was initially presented to all of Risma's employees at a major kick-off and has become an integrated part of Risma's narrative.
With the Brand DNA and core story, Risma has been given a strategic direction that goes far beyond the functional benefits of Governance, Risk & Compliance - and gives Risma an attractive role as a brand, as a partner - and as a workplace:
”Hvis du i strategiarbejdet ønsker en partner, der kommer med erfaring og inspiration, og som samtidig respekterer og anerkender virksomhedens egne kompetencer og synspunkter, så kan CPH Strategy klart anbefales. Den proces vi gennemførte og det produkt vi sammen udviklede, er måske det fedeste og sjoveste, som jeg har oplevet i min karriere.”
Jan Axel Jansson, CCO RISMA Systems