Crafting a Core Narrative and EVPs for Stryhns Gruppen
How we developed a core story for Stryhns Gruppen to strengthen internal pride and attract new employees.
Employer value propositions (EVPs) serve as the core framework for articulating an organization's unique offers, values, and benefits to all employees. They are critical in retaining existing personnel as well as attracting new, high-quality professionals to a workplace.
Stryhns Gruppen launched a strategic employer branding effort in 2023 to create a unified narrative about Stryhns Gruppen as an employer.
This effort was designed to reinforce internal pride and enhance employee retention. Moreover, it sought to establish a shared narrative and core storyline for Stryhns Gruppen, centered around their Purpose: "Vi hjælper danskerne til en nemmere og bedre hverdag" (We help Danes to an easier and better everyday life).
To gain a comprehensive and reliable understanding of Stryhns Gruppen's culture, we examined all existing materials and analyses, including the latest employee survey. Subsequently, we conducted ten in-depth interviews involving representatives from both management and employees.
Drawing from these extensive interviews and the employee survey, we identified the primary attributes and employer value propositions of Stryhns Gruppen, delivering these insights in a comprehensive report to the management.
Additionally, we mapped out all EVPs for each specific employee segment, enabling the human resources team to operationalize these EVPs in their efforts to attract and retain great employees.
With an understanding of Stryhns Gruppen's unique culture, we crafted the core narrative that encapsulates the essence of the organization. This narrative served as the foundation for an employee branding film, unveiled to all employees during Stryhns Gruppen’s Strategic Day in November 2023.
Sharing the employee branding film with all employees served to unify the employees, reinforcing a sense of purpose and belonging to Stryhns Gruppen.
With the core narrative and EVPs in place, Stryhns Gruppen is now well-equipped to move ahead, guided by a collective Purpose and a commitment to its employees.
Strategisk branding konsulent. bedste til strategi i København. brandstrategi. Strategisk branding konsulent. bedste til strategi i København. brandstrategi.